promosClick to exclude promos: StashClick to veto Stash2 Coins
When you shuffle, you may put this anywhere in your deck.
Cost: 5 Coins
IntrigueClick to exclude Intrigue: HaremClick to veto Harem2 Coins
2 VP

Cost: 6 Coins
Wishing WellClick to veto Wishing Well+1 Card
+1 Action

Name a card, then reveal the top card of your deck. If it is the named card, put it in your hand.
Cost: 3 Coins
CornucopiaClick to exclude Cornucopia: MenagerieClick to veto Menagerie+1 Action
Reveal your hand. If there are no duplicate cards in it, +3 Cards. Otherwise, +1 Card.
Cost: 3 Coins
HinterlandsClick to exclude Hinterlands: TraderClick to veto TraderTrash a card from your hand. Gain a number of Slivers equal to its cost in coins. When you would gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, instead gain a Silver.
Cost: 4 Coins
EmpiresClick to exclude Empires: Chariot RaceClick to veto Chariot Race+1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck and put it into your hand. The player to your left reveals the top card of their deck. If your card costs more, +1 Coin and +1 VP Token.
Cost: 3 Coins
Landmark MuseumClick to veto MuseumWhen scoring, 2 VP per differently named card you have.
RenaissanceClick to exclude Renaissance: PatronClick to veto Patron+1 Villager
+2 Coins

When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), +1 Coffers.
Cost: 4 Coins
MenagerieClick to exclude Menagerie: Horse+2 Cards
+1 Action

Return this to its pile. (This is not in the Supply.)
Cost: 0 Coins
CardinalClick to veto Cardinal+2 Coins
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of their deck, Exiles one costing from 3 Coins to 6 Coins, and discards the rest.
Cost: 4 Coins
KilnClick to veto Kiln+2 Coins
The next time you play a card this turn, you may first gain a copy of it.
Cost: 5 Coins
ScrapClick to veto ScrapTrash a card from your hand. Choose a different thing per 1 Coin it costs: +1 Card; +1 Action; +1 Buy; +1 Coin; gain a Silver; gain a Horse.
Cost: 3 Coins
Other components these cards require:
Players: 2 3 4 5 6 whatever
(Selecting anything above will remember which kingdom cards are currently selected. Click the button below to reset.)
Select new cards with these criteria
Requiring cards:
Vetoed cards:
Click on a set name to exclude it. Click on a card to veto it. Excluded sets and vetoed cards are listed just above here; click on them to include them again.
Select up to / precisely 2 Event/Landmark/Project/Trait/Way cards.
Exclude / Include deprecated cards.
List cards alphabetically
Disable background colors