DominionClick to exclude Dominion: MoatClick to veto Moat+2 Cards
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.
Cost: 2 Coins
WitchClick to veto Witch+2 Cards
Each other player gains a Curse card.
Cost: 5 Coins
Dominion Update PackClick to exclude Dominion Update Pack: SentryClick to veto Sentry+1 Card
+1 Action

Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Trash and/or discard any number of them. Put the rest back on top in any order.
Cost: 5 Coins
SeasideClick to exclude Seaside: TacticianClick to veto TacticianDiscard your hand. If you discarded any cards this way, then at the start of your next turn, +5 Cards, +1 Buy, and +1 Action.
Cost: 5 Coins
CornucopiaClick to exclude Cornucopia: Fortune TellerClick to veto Fortune Teller+2 Coins
Each other player reveals cards from the top of his deck until he reveals a Victory or Curse card. He puts it on top and discards the other revealed cards.
Cost: 3 Coins
HamletClick to veto Hamlet+1 Card
+1 Action

You may discard a card; if you do, +1 Action. You may discard a card; if you do, +1 Buy.
Cost: 2 Coins
HinterlandsClick to exclude Hinterlands: InnClick to veto Inn+2 Cards
+2 Actions

Discard 2 cards. When you gain this, look through your discard pile (including this), reveal any number of Action cards from it, and shuffle them into your deck.
Cost: 5 Coins
SchemeClick to veto Scheme+1 Card
+1 Action

At the start of the Clean-up this turn, you may choose an Action card you have in play. If you discard it from play this turn, put it on your deck.
Cost: 3 Coins
Dark AgesClick to exclude Dark Ages: ForagerClick to veto Forager+1 Action
+1 Buy

Trash a card from your hand. +1 Coin for each differently named Treasure in the trash.
Cost: 5 Coins
GuildsClick to exclude Guilds: MasterpieceClick to veto Masterpiece1 Coin
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. If you do, gain a Silver per 1 Coin you overpaid.
Cost: 3 Coins
AdventuresClick to exclude Adventures: Event PilgrimageClick to veto PilgrimageOnce per turn: Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up); then if it's face up, choose up to 3 differently named cards you have in play and gain a copy of each.
Cost: 4 Coins
EmpiresClick to exclude Empires: Event DominateClick to veto DominateGain a Province. If you do, +9 VP Tokens.
Cost: 14 Coins
Other components these cards require:
Players: 2 3 4 5 6 whatever
(Selecting anything above will remember which kingdom cards are currently selected. Click the button below to reset.)
Select new cards with these criteria
Excluded sets:
Click on a set name to exclude it. Click on a card to veto it. Excluded sets and vetoed cards are listed just above here; click on them to include them again.
Select up to / precisely 2 Event/Landmark/Project/Trait/Way cards.
Exclude / Include deprecated cards.
List cards alphabetically
Disable background colors