IntrigueClick to exclude Intrigue: Shanty TownClick to veto Shanty Town+2 Actions
Reveal your hand. If you have no Action cards in hand, +2 Cards.
Cost: 3 Coins
Trading PostClick to veto Trading PostTrash 2 cards from your hand. If you do, gain a silver card; put it into your hand.
Cost: 5 Coins
Dark AgesClick to exclude Dark Ages: Spoils3 Coins
When you play this, return it to the Spoils pile. (This is not in the Supply.)
Cost: 3 Coins
Bandit CampClick to veto Bandit Camp+1 Card
+2 Actions

Gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.
Cost: 5 Coins
GuildsClick to exclude Guilds: AdvisorClick to veto Advisor+1 Action
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. The player to your left chooses one of them. Discard that card. Put the other cards into your hand.
Cost: 4 Coins
AdventuresClick to exclude Adventures: Event Scouting PartyClick to veto Scouting Party+1 Buy
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. Discard 3 of them and put the rest back on top of your deck in any order.
Cost: 2 Coins
Wine MerchantClick to veto Wine Merchant+1 Buy
+4 Coins

Put this on your Tavern mat. At the end of your Buy phase, if you have at least 2 Coins unspent, you may discard this from your Tavern mat.
Cost: 5 Coins
EmpiresClick to exclude Empires: Event AdvanceClick to veto AdvanceYou may trash an Action card from your hand. If you do, gain an Action card costing up to 6 Coins.
Cost: 0 Coins
SacrificeClick to veto SacrificeTrash a card from your hand. If it's an... Action card, +2 Cards, +2 Actions; Treasure card, +2 Coins, Victory card, +2 VP Tokens.
Cost: 4 Coins
RenaissanceClick to exclude Renaissance: Silk MerchantClick to veto Silk Merchant+2 Cards
+1 Buy

When you gain or trash this, +1 Coffers and +1 Villager.
Cost: 4 Coins
AlliesClick to exclude Allies: CarpenterClick to veto CarpenterIf no Supply piles are empty, +1 Action and gain a card costing up to 4 Coins. Otherwise, trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to 2 Coins more than it.
Cost: 4 Coins
PlunderClick to exclude Plunder: [Loot][Shuffle together all 15 types of Loot cards (30 cards), and set this Loot stack face down.]
Buried TreasureClick to veto Buried TreasureAt the start of your next turn, +1 Buy and +3 Coins. When you gain this, play it.
Cost: 5 Coins
Sack of LootClick to veto Sack of Loot1 Coin
+1 Buy

Gain a Loot.
Cost: 6 Coins
Other components these cards require:
Players: 2 3 4 5 6 whatever
(Selecting anything above will remember which kingdom cards are currently selected. Click the button below to reset.)
Select new cards with these criteria
Vetoed cards:
Click on a set name to exclude it. Click on a card to veto it. Excluded sets and vetoed cards are listed just above here; click on them to include them again.
Select up to / precisely 2 Event/Landmark/Project/Trait/Way cards.
Exclude / Include deprecated cards.
List cards alphabetically
Disable background colors