Horse+2 Cards
+1 Action

Return this to its pile. (This is not in the Supply.)
Cost: 0 Coins
[Loot][Shuffle together all 15 types of Loot cards (30 cards), and set this Loot stack face down.]
Band of MisfitsClick to veto Band of MisfitsPlay this as if it were an Action card in the Supply costing less than it that you choose. This is that card until it leaves play.
Cost: 5 Coins
MiserClick to veto MiserChoose one: Put a Copper from your hand onto your Tavern mat; or +1 Coin per Copper on your Tavern mat.
Cost: 4 Coins
PawnClick to veto PawnChoose two: +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, +1 coin. (The choices must be different.)
Cost: 2 Coins
PickaxeClick to veto Pickaxe1 Coin
Trash a card from your hand. If it costs 3 Coins or more, gain a Loot to your hand.
Cost: 5 Coins
PilgrimClick to veto Pilgrim+4 Cards
Put a card from your hand onto your deck.
Cost: 5 Coins
SanctuaryClick to veto Sanctuary+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy

You may Exile a card from your hand.
Cost: 5 Coins
Project Star ChartClick to veto Star ChartWhen you shuffle, you may pick one of the cards to go on top.
Cost: 3 Coins
SuppliesClick to veto Supplies1 Coin
When you play this, gain a Horse onto your deck.
Cost: 2 Coins
VagrantClick to veto Vagrant+1 Card
+1 Action

Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Curse, Ruins, Shelter, or Victory card, put it into your hand.
Cost: 2 Coins
VillainClick to veto Villain+2 Coffers
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand discards one costing 2 Coins or more (or reveals they can't).
Cost: 5 Coins
WatchtowerClick to veto WatchtowerDraw until you have 6 cards in your hand. When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, either trash that card, or put it on top of your deck.
Cost: 3 Coins
IntrigueClick to exclude Intrigue ProsperityClick to exclude Prosperity Dark AgesClick to exclude Dark Ages AdventuresClick to exclude Adventures RenaissanceClick to exclude Renaissance MenagerieClick to exclude Menagerie PlunderClick to exclude Plunder
Other components these cards require:
Players: 2 3 4 5 6 whatever
(Selecting anything above will remember which kingdom cards are currently selected. Click the button below to reset.)
Select new cards with these criteria
Excluded sets:
Click on a set name to exclude it. Click on a card to veto it. Excluded sets and vetoed cards are listed just above here; click on them to include them again.
Select up to / precisely 2 Event/Landmark/Project/Trait/Way cards.
Exclude / Include deprecated cards.
Group results by set
Disable background colors