Create a deck for each player, comprising Necropolis+2 Actions
Cost: 1 Coin
, Overgrown EstateWhen you trash this, +1 Card.
Cost: 1 Coin
, HovelWhen you buy a Victory card, you may trash this from your hand.
Cost: 1 Coin
, and Copper1 Coin
Cost: 0 Coins
. In addition to those, set up the following supply piles:
[Boon][Shuffle together all of the Boon cards (12 cards), and set this Boon stack face-up, with only the topmost card visible.]
Landmark Bandit FortClick to veto Bandit FortWhen scoring, -2 VP for each Silver and each Gold you have. BargeClick to veto BargeEither now or at the start of your next turn, +3 Cards and +1 Buy.
Cost: 5 Coins
Caravan GuardClick to veto Caravan Guard+1 Card
+1 Action

At the start of your next turn, +1 Coin. When another player plays an Attack card, you may play this from your hand. (+1 Action has no effect if it's not your turn.)
Cost: 3 Coins
CardinalClick to veto Cardinal+2 Coins
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of their deck, Exiles one costing from 3 Coins to 6 Coins, and discards the rest.
Cost: 4 Coins
CovenClick to veto Coven+1 Action
+2 Coins

Each other player Exiles a Curse from the Supply. If they can't, they discard their Exiled Curses.
Cost: 5 Coins
DruidClick to veto Druid+1 Buy
Receive one of the set-aside Boons (leaving it there). Setup: Set aside the top 3 Boons face up.
Cost: 2 Coins
Project ExplorationClick to veto ExplorationAt the end of your Buy phase, if you didn't buy any cards, +1 Coffers and +1 Villager.
Cost: 4 Coins
FeodumClick to veto FeodumWorth 1 VP for every 3 Silvers in your deck (round down). When you trash this, gain 3 Silvers.
Cost: 4 Coins
SanctuaryClick to veto Sanctuary+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy

You may Exile a card from your hand.
Cost: 5 Coins
Throne RoomClick to veto Throne RoomChoose an Action card in your hand. Play it twice.
Cost: 4 Coins
VassalClick to veto Vassal+2 Coins
Discard the top card of your deck. If it is an Action card, you may play it.
Cost: 3 Coins
WeaverClick to veto WeaverGain two Silvers or a card costing up to 4 Coins. When you discard this other than in Clean-up, you may play it.
Cost: 4 Coins
DominionClick to exclude Dominion Dominion Update PackClick to exclude Dominion Update Pack Hinterlands Update PackClick to exclude Hinterlands Update Pack Dark AgesClick to exclude Dark Ages AdventuresClick to exclude Adventures EmpiresClick to exclude Empires NocturneClick to exclude Nocturne RenaissanceClick to exclude Renaissance MenagerieClick to exclude Menagerie
Other components these cards require:
Players: 2 3 4 5 6 whatever
(Selecting anything above will remember which kingdom cards are currently selected. Click the button below to reset.)
Select new cards with these criteria
Excluded sets:
Click on a set name to exclude it. Click on a card to veto it. Excluded sets and vetoed cards are listed just above here; click on them to include them again.
Select up to / precisely 2 Event/Landmark/Project/Trait/Way cards.
Exclude / Include deprecated cards.
Group results by set
Disable background colors