title author(s) type
Agricola: Farmers of the Moor Allen Ormond & Nathan Morse score calculator
Babel Uwe Rosenberg & Hagen Dorgathen rules
Babylon 5 Collectible Card Game Ran Ackels, Edi Birsan, Paul W. Brown III, John Hart, David Hewitt, John Myler, & Kevin Tewart rules summary, references
Caverna Allen Ormond & Nathan Morse score calculator
Dale of Merchants Nathan Morse card picker/randomizer
Die Händler Wolfgang Kramer & Richard Ulrich cards, rules, summary
Dominion Nathan Morse card picker/randomizer
For the Crown Nathan Morse card picker/randomizer
High Bohn / Prohibohn (Amigo) Hanno Girke & Uwe Rosenberg cards, rules
Homeworld Erin Daly manuals, reference card
Loot of LimaLarry Levysolitaire AI
Magic: The Gathering — Unhinged Richard Garfield secret message
Morphogea: a modular hex map for Power Grid Nathan Morse modular hex expansion with a blinding number of combinations, and accurate connection costs
Morphogea map randomzier Nathan Morse map randomizer for Morphogea (and thus Power Grid)
Mutabohn Uwe Rosenberg rules
My Word! gamey by Joli Quentin Kansil; implementation by Nathan Morse solitaire game
Ora et Labora Allen Ormond & Nathan Morse score calculator
Pack & Stack Nathan Morse player roll expediter
Puzzle Strike Nathan Morse chip picker/randomizer
Quarriors! Nathan Morse card picker/randomizer
RoboRally Richard Garfield extra boards, rules, board elements, and cards
sightlesswordfight Nathan Morse instructions and game sheets
Telebohn Uwe Rosenberg cards
The Heisenberg Chase Nathan Morse playable Java game for one
What the Hex? Nathan Morse tile game
Worms: The Directors Cut Team 17 codes
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